Get realistic goals for your sex life

Get realistic goals for your sex life

Is your idea of sex based on movies? Or perhaps your idea of sex is based on books you have read or advice you’ve been given from magazine articles? Is your idea of sex that it’s supposed to be passionate, that you can just get naked and jump into bed and be swept away? Is your idea of sex the desire to not have to take charge or do anything to make it happen?

The problem for many people is their idea of sex is not based in the reality of sex or their life. Many people’s idea of sex is based on a fantasy that has nothing to do with the reality of their day to day life.

One component of sex is that as we age our aging bodies change and we need more assistance to be ready to have sex. If we are not managing our diet, if we have gained weight, if we have high blood pressure; all of these things will have a negative impact on our physical ability to get aroused and to perform during sex.

Another aspect that affects sex is the busy lives that many people lead. Today most people are working 40, 50 or 60 hours a week jobs. They have 1 or 2 children, they may have aging parents, they have long commutes, they have household chores, they are not getting enough sleep. All of these things affect our ability to have sex. And lastly, couples not maintaining, discussing and taking charge of their sex life. Often times couples are not prioritizing sex, they are tired and they don’t want to do the work to create the environment to be able to have a wonderful sexual experience. And lastly, people lack accurate information and education about sex in how it works in a long-term relationship.

Many people’s idea of sex is based on fiction. It has nothing to do with reality of life, of aging bodies, of being in a long-term relationship. People’s idea of sex is what often disrupts and sets them up for dissatisfaction.

What’s the cure? Education. Proper education, realistic sexual goals, planning skills, and healthy effective communication to be able to have a healthy and rewarding sex life. Therapy is a place where you can learn and get proper education in the skills you need. If you would like to turn around your sex life and change your idea form fantasy to reality, and have a satisfying sex life, therapy can help you. Contact All in the Family Counseling Centre Pte Ltd to schedule an initial consultation to find out how therapy might help you.

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